Senior Girls 2012

this senior picture season has been quite the whirlwind, complete with a couple of mishaps and few battle scars. occupational hazards, i suppose. let's see.... TWO fire ant attacks resulting in permanently scarred feet, a  flip-flop blow out (jimmy buffet style) in a sticker patch a ridiculously long way from the car, and  an  attack attempt by a foaming guard dog. toward the end of the season i had to say a tearful goodbye to my beloved christmas gift, my suede jill e. camera bag, as three of its four leather straps simply bit the dust. it was all, of course, worth it in the end, and i truly enjoyed each and every shoot.

i had the pleasure of working with such an outstanding group of young women this year.  stunning (ummm...obviously!), smart, athletic, determined, polite, sweet,  poised...they were amazing! i can't wait to see what the future holds for all of them.  wherever it is life takes them, i know this group is going to make this world a better place...

one thing i love most about senior sessions is spending time with the moms who accompany their daughters during their sessions.  it's such an exciting, yet bittersweet time for the moms & daughters.  with each shoot i witness everything from eye rolls and belly laughs to bear hugs and nostalgic tears. this milestone marks the end of an era for them.  suddenly the fact that they'll soon be hugging goodbye in the dorm parking lot seems ever so real.

with each session, i heard "hug your babies, it all goes by so fast!" again and again. and after each shoot, i came home and did just that.  with one imp embarking on her preschool career, and the other on the first grade roster, i am keenly aware of the swift passage of time. thank you, seniors and senior moms, for the opportunity, and for the priceless, poignant reminder to slow down and pay attention to the little things. both of them...

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